They dictate the schedule, both for their parents and for their photographer. This was true on the day I met with Samantha, Taylor and baby Vanessa to do her newborn photos. While not a 'newborn' anymore, 7 wk old Vanessa was still one tiny, little peanut.
She didn't want to cooperate when we suggested nap time - she knew that she wasn't at home and she didn't want to miss even a second of the fun! [I don't blame her! :)]
But because we let Vanessa be the boss and we adjusted to her, we ended with some stunningly beautiful images.
This is one amazing family - full of love and sweet comfort - that just seeps out of these pictures. Samantha, Taylor, and little Vanessa, thank you for letting me into your family for the afternoon and trusting me with your family's memories. Enjoy. ♥

ahhh what a peanut! I'm looking at these photos thinking how familiar these two parents look, and I realize I went to school with Sam! Her older sister Tara was one of my good friends! Love that butterfly outfit... so beautiful!