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Monday, May 10, 2010

I Heart Faces Challenge - "Celebrating Moms"

I am starting something new. I'm entering a share-your-photography type contest at a site called "I Heart Faces."

I say contest because the purpose of entering is as much to see other's work as it is to have a chance to 'win.' The I Heart Faces community is about encouraging each other and learning along the way. I'm excited to participate.

This button below links to their site:

The theme this week [they have weekly photo themes which direct their contests] is "Celebrating Moms."

My contribution this week is this photo below:

The reason I chose this photo is because it speaks to me. It shows the gentle warmth and comfort of a mother to her child. I especially love the mother's dimple as she smiles at her little bundle of joy.

God bless Mothers.
